HYDRAPOWER 450mm Profiler and CAT Broom E M U S - GN127

$8,091 AUD

($8,900 Inc. GST)

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HYDRAPOWER 450mm Profiler and CAT Broom E M U S - GN127 :      $8,091 AUD ($8,900 Inc. GST)

  • Specifications
    Not specified
    Hydrapower and Cat
    Sellers stock ID:
    E M U S GN127

    Type – Skid Steer Attachments

    Location – Moore

    Make - HYDRAPOWER Profiler and CAT Broom

    Information –
    PROFILER is 450mm wide with hydraulic tilt and side shift. Drum in very good order. Has 100 litre tank and 12 volt pump with water nets inside the mixing chamber. Will operate on 50 Hp or more. Doesn’t need high flow.
    BROOM is a Cat brand bucket broom with spare set of brushes. Hardly been used.

    Overall Condition – Both ready to work.

    Listing # E.M.U.S - GN127

    Sell price – $8,900 for the pair….Including GST

    This is Privately owned, E.M.U.S are selling on their behalf, we are professional Used Equipment Brokers…

    We Broker used Machinery, Attachments, Trucks & Trailers…

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